Propuesta del Modelo de Liderazgo para los Oficiales Comandantes de Escuadrón de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana
Peña Reyes, Luz Alejandra
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El presente estudio cualitativo investigó el liderazgo al interior de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, en atención al problema evidenciado en cuanto a las dificultades en el ejercicio de ese liderazgo y administración de personal en los niveles bajos de la FAC (nivel táctico), el cual redunda principalmente en la afectación al entorno laboral y en el retiro del personal. Por tanto, volvió la mirada al papel de táctico del escuadrón y el liderazgo ejercido por sus comandantes, con el fin último y objetivo de proponer un modelo de liderazgo para el comandante de escuadrón. Bajo una metodología de alcance descriptivo y mediante un diseño fenomenológico orientado al liderazgo, se emplearon técnicas de recolección de datos como la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas a un grupo de expertos y revisión documental de la doctrina institucional vigente, así como documentación relevante a este respecto. Luego de organizar y analizar la información, se determinaron debilidades, fortalezas, amenazas y oportunidades para el liderazgo táctico en la FAC, se determinaron componentes extraídos de esas características; las cuales, sumadas al análisis de los modelos seleccionados, permitieron identificar características en el ser, aspectos del saber y conductas en el hacer. Lo anterior para, como resultado, dar respuesta al problema, definir los componentes y proponer el modelo de liderazgo para el oficial comandante de escuadrón de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana
This qualitative study investigated the leadership within the Colombian Air Force, in attention to the evidenced problem in terms of the difficulties in the leadership and personnel administration at the lower levels of the FAC, which mainly results in the affected work enviroment and the withdrawal of personnel. Therefore, taking a look at the tactical role of the squadron and the leadership exercised by its commanders with the ultimate aim and objective of proposing a leadership model for the squad commander. Following a methodology based on a descriptive scope and through a leadership-oriented phenomenological design, data collection techniques were used, such as conducting structured interviews to a group of experts and documentary review of the current institutional doctrine, as well as relevant documentation in this regard. After organizing and analyzing the information, weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities for the tactical leadership in the FAC, components extracted from those characteristics were determined; which, added to the analysis of the selected models, allowed to identify characteristics in being, aspects of knowing and behaviors in doing. The foregoing to, as the result, respond to the problem, define the components and propose the leadership model for the squadron commanding officer of the Colombian Air Force.
This qualitative study investigated the leadership within the Colombian Air Force, in attention to the evidenced problem in terms of the difficulties in the leadership and personnel administration at the lower levels of the FAC, which mainly results in the affected work enviroment and the withdrawal of personnel. Therefore, taking a look at the tactical role of the squadron and the leadership exercised by its commanders with the ultimate aim and objective of proposing a leadership model for the squad commander. Following a methodology based on a descriptive scope and through a leadership-oriented phenomenological design, data collection techniques were used, such as conducting structured interviews to a group of experts and documentary review of the current institutional doctrine, as well as relevant documentation in this regard. After organizing and analyzing the information, weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities for the tactical leadership in the FAC, components extracted from those characteristics were determined; which, added to the analysis of the selected models, allowed to identify characteristics in being, aspects of knowing and behaviors in doing. The foregoing to, as the result, respond to the problem, define the components and propose the leadership model for the squadron commanding officer of the Colombian Air Force.
Peña Reyes, L A. (2022). Propuesta del Modelo de Liderazgo para los Oficiales Comandantes de Escuadrón de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana. EPFAC.