Validación de la ampliación en la frecuencia del entrenamiento en simuladores de los pilotos instructores del equipo C-208 de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana con el aprovechamiento del recurso institucional para mitigar el riesgo operacional.
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El presente trabajo busca recomendar mejoras en el entrenamiento de un grupo de pilotos pertenecientes a la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, con el uso más frecuente de los recursos propios de la institución como lo son los entrenadores de vuelo adquiridos previamente, siendo necesario efectuar mediciones en términos de calidad y tiempo, evidenciando posibles mejoras con metodología mixta que permitan mitigar posibles riesgos para la seguridad operacional desde el factor humano. En este proyecto se establece un procedimiento de validación en la frecuencia del entrenamiento en simuladores de los pilotos del equipo C-208 de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana con el aprovechamiento del recurso institucional para mitigar el riesgo operacional, para esto se desarrollaron; un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de la respuesta en simuladores del equipo C -208 con un grupo cerrado, seleccionada la muestra por conveniencia, porque el objetivo era ver una representación de respuesta ante el simulador, de igual forma era necesario establecer aspectos importantes en el entrenamiento de los pilotos para comprender las respuestas que se obtuvieron en la fase de evaluación, describiendo los momentos del entrenamiento desde una mirada cualitativa, todo esto con la finalidad de definir factores diferenciales en seguridad operacional entre la instrucción de los pilotos y el trabajo con el simulador. Concluyendo que la ayuda de entrenadores especializados de la FAC se evidencia una mitigación en tiempos de reacción, dialogo entre piloto y su instructor, por lo tanto, es necesario relacionar las tomas de decisión, la calidad del entrenamiento, los tiempos en las fases criticas de vuelo para mitigar el riesgo operacional en el equipo C- 208.
Palabras Clave: Seguridad Operacional, Factor Humano, Recurrencia, Entrenamiento de vuelo, Recurso Institucional.
The present work seeks to recommend improvements in the training of a group of pilots belonging to the Colombian Air Force, with the most frequent use of the institution's own resources such as the flight trainers previously acquired, being necessary to make measurements in terms of quality and time, evidencing possible improvements with mixed methodology that allow mitigating possible risks to operational safety from the human factor. In this project a validation procedure is established in the frequency of training in simulators of the pilots of the C-208 team of the Colombian Air Force with the use of the institutional resource to mitigate the operational risk, for this they were developed; a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the response in simulators of the C -208 team with a closed group, the sample selected for convenience, because the objective was to see a representation of the response before the simulator, in the same way it was necessary to establish important aspects in the training of the pilots to understand the answers obtained in the evaluation phase, describing the moments of the training from a qualitative point of view, all this in order to define differential factors in operational safety between the training of the pilots and the work with the simulator . Concluding that the help of specialized trainers from the FAC there is evidence of a mitigation in reaction times, dialogue between the pilot and his instructor, therefore, it is necessary to relate the decision-making, the quality of the training, the times in the critical phases of flight to mitigate operational risk in C-208 equipment. Key Words: Operational Safety, Human Factor, Recurrence, Flight Training, Institutional Resource.
The present work seeks to recommend improvements in the training of a group of pilots belonging to the Colombian Air Force, with the most frequent use of the institution's own resources such as the flight trainers previously acquired, being necessary to make measurements in terms of quality and time, evidencing possible improvements with mixed methodology that allow mitigating possible risks to operational safety from the human factor. In this project a validation procedure is established in the frequency of training in simulators of the pilots of the C-208 team of the Colombian Air Force with the use of the institutional resource to mitigate the operational risk, for this they were developed; a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the response in simulators of the C -208 team with a closed group, the sample selected for convenience, because the objective was to see a representation of the response before the simulator, in the same way it was necessary to establish important aspects in the training of the pilots to understand the answers obtained in the evaluation phase, describing the moments of the training from a qualitative point of view, all this in order to define differential factors in operational safety between the training of the pilots and the work with the simulator . Concluding that the help of specialized trainers from the FAC there is evidence of a mitigation in reaction times, dialogue between the pilot and his instructor, therefore, it is necessary to relate the decision-making, the quality of the training, the times in the critical phases of flight to mitigate operational risk in C-208 equipment. Key Words: Operational Safety, Human Factor, Recurrence, Flight Training, Institutional Resource.
Rodríguez, Edgar.(2021). Validación de la ampliación en la frecuencia del entrenamiento en simuladores de los pilotos instructores del equipo c-208 de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana con el aprovechamiento del recurso institucional para mitigar el riesgo operacional.