Estudio prospectivo del centro de excelencia operacional de EMAVI al 2030
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La instrucción y el entrenamiento de vuelo simulado, son hoy en día tan evolutivos como el entorno tecnológico lo exige y con esto las tecnologías de entrenamiento deben estar alineadas y acordes a los retos que necesitan las nuevas generaciones en el proceso de aprendizaje para que el mismo sea satisfactorio, estas características deben estar articuladas tanto en software como en procesos académicos que sean alineados a la variación del entorno. La Fuerza Aeroespacial Colombiana, conociendo la necesidad de mejorar los procesos de instrucción y entrenamiento, ha contribuido con adquisición de equipos tecnológicos, también ha incentivado la mejora en la doctrina mediante los seminarios de estandarización, los cuales aportarán de forma parcial en esta mejora continua.
De igual forma, se evidenció que la importancia en la cantidad disponible de personal operativo en la Fuerza Aeroespacial Colombiana es fundamental para disponer de tripulaciones mínimas en los Escuadrones operativos, considerando que en el transcurso del plan de carrera, la cantidad de pilotos disminuye en niveles significativos y terminan afectando las plantas operativas.
En este orden, el presente documento de investigación analiza el entorno académico de la instrucción de vuelo simulada que se instruye en el CEO de la Escuela Militar de Aviación “Marco Fidel Suárez” con efectos en la Escuela Internacional de Ala Fija, por medio del análisis de prospectiva estratégica para aportar a la falta de visión de un curso definido, esto gracias a la hoja de ruta propuesta al 2030 basada en el escenario apuesta, como parte de su estrategia de implementación en pro de la instrucción, aportando de esta manera a múltiples aspectos inicialmente desconocidos, algunos como la disminución de deserción operacional, generando un mejor futuro a las plantas operacionales del mañana.
Simulated flight instruction and training are today as evolutionary as the technological environment demands and with this, the training technologies must be aligned with the challenges that the new generations need in the learning process so that the same to be satisfactory, these characteristics must be articulated both in software and in academic processes that are aligned to the variation of the environment. The Colombian Aerospace Force, aware of the need to improve instruction and training processes, has contributed to the acquisition of technological equipment and has also encouraged improvement in doctrine through standardization seminars, which will partially contribute to this continuous improvement. In the same way, it was evidenced that the relevance in the number of operational personnel available in the Colombian Aerospace Force is essential to have minimum crews in the operational Squadrons, considering that in the course of the career plan, the number of pilots decreases levels significantly and end up affecting operating plants. In this order, the present research document analyzes the academic environment of the simulated flight instruction that is instructed by the CEO of the Military Aviation School "Marco Fidel Suárez" with effects in the International Fixed Wing School, through the analysis of strategic perspective to contribute to the lack of vision a defined course, this thanks to the proposed roadmap for 2030 based on the bet scenario, as part of its implementation strategy in favor of instruction, thus contributing to multiple aspects initially unknown, some such as the decrease in operational desertion, generating a better future for the operational plants of tomorrow.
Simulated flight instruction and training are today as evolutionary as the technological environment demands and with this, the training technologies must be aligned with the challenges that the new generations need in the learning process so that the same to be satisfactory, these characteristics must be articulated both in software and in academic processes that are aligned to the variation of the environment. The Colombian Aerospace Force, aware of the need to improve instruction and training processes, has contributed to the acquisition of technological equipment and has also encouraged improvement in doctrine through standardization seminars, which will partially contribute to this continuous improvement. In the same way, it was evidenced that the relevance in the number of operational personnel available in the Colombian Aerospace Force is essential to have minimum crews in the operational Squadrons, considering that in the course of the career plan, the number of pilots decreases levels significantly and end up affecting operating plants. In this order, the present research document analyzes the academic environment of the simulated flight instruction that is instructed by the CEO of the Military Aviation School "Marco Fidel Suárez" with effects in the International Fixed Wing School, through the analysis of strategic perspective to contribute to the lack of vision a defined course, this thanks to the proposed roadmap for 2030 based on the bet scenario, as part of its implementation strategy in favor of instruction, thus contributing to multiple aspects initially unknown, some such as the decrease in operational desertion, generating a better future for the operational plants of tomorrow.
Cruz, F. (2023). Estudio Prospectivo para el Centro de Excelencia Operacional de EMAVI Al 2030. Escuela de Postgrados FAC.